Year 15 NEWS

December 1, 2017
15 Year Planning, Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities

GH Partner Brian Hsu joined members of the affordable housing community as a panelist in a two-part discussion on “Year 15” hot topics. The two panels conducted outlined the challenges, strategies and opportunities arising at year 15 of tax credit transactions and how to plan for Year 15 projects currently closing.  

September 14, 2017
Preparing Your LIHTC Project for Year 15

GH Partner Brian Hsu conducted a special seminar entitled Preparing Your LIHTC Project for Year 15 – which focused on how to best prepare Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects for Year 15 – the last year of the credit period in the lifecycle of LIHTC projects.  The program outlined ownership structures, pre- and […]

March 12, 2015
Partner, Brian Hsu from Goldstein Hall will be presenting at an upcoming seminar on YEAR 15 Affordable Housing Preservation: NYC Program & Process

This upcoming seminar is co-sponsored by NEF, LISC, Goldstein Hall and NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development. Today, there are many choices at Year 15 of LIHTC financed affordable housing projects. A General Partner can choose to continue to own and operate, rehabilitate, recapitalize, extend affordability or sell a portfolio. Hear from professionals working […]