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April 30, 2021
Our partner David Goldstein was quoted by NPR’s Boston affiliate, WBUR, in an article regarding the issues facing RiseBoro Community Partnership and many other non-profits in protecting their Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (“LIHTC”) projects. At issue, is the non-profit’s exercise of the Right of First Refusal, and protecting the LIHTC industry’s stock of affordable housing, […]
April 29, 2021
RiseBoro Community Partnership Inc. won a competitive RFP process with NYC Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration (HRA) to operate and maintain at least 147 permanent housing units for homeless single individuals, adult families and families with children. Goldstein Hall heavily negotiated a thirty-year ground lease with a large private property owner for a newly-renovated […]
March 26, 2021
Considering trends of religious disaffiliation in America, you might be surprised to learn that faith-based organizations deliver 40 percent of vital human services across six representative cities. Indeed, faith-inspired impact remains a bulwark of support in the United States—and the differential importance of faith in Black, Latinx, and other marginalized communities might offer opportunities for […]
February 22, 2021
To see the full presentation on Affordable Housing & Faith-Based Communities from the NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development click here.
February 18, 2021
As we reflect on this achievement, we recognize that being around for 15 years is no small feat, especially in affordable housing. Our longevity is a sign of the firm’s stability and growth. Since 2006, Goldstein Hall has grown in size and prestige, evolving into an established firm with 20 employees, 13 practice areas, six […]