Cooperative and Condominium Law NEWS
January 30, 2018
Goldstein Hall client, Forest Hills MHA mentioned in NY Post article, “Fed-up residents opt to dump ‘do-nothing’ NYCHA as landlord”
A group of fed-up Queens residents has escaped the clutches of the bungling New York City Housing Authority — and hired a private company to manage their apartment complex instead. Tenants at the low-income Forest Hills Co-op took advantage of a recently expired lease to replace NYCHA with Phipps Houses, the city’s largest non-profit developer, owner and […]
December 22, 2017
Goldstein Hall successfully represented the tenants in taking ownership of the Forest Hills Co-op and exiting NYCHA ownership
We are proud to have represented the tenants in taking ownership of the Forest Hills Cooperative , soon to be MHA! Read more from the Queens Chronicle… Photo By Christopher Barca
July 21, 2014
Commercial Broker Education Series
Tomorrow, Tuesday July 22nd from 6:30PM – 7:30PM at the offices of Goldstein Hall we will continue our Commercial Broker Education Series with a presentation on preparing and submitting condo offerings for vacant and newly constructed condominiums. The discussion will focus on the process, timeframe, and cost, as well as best practices for submitting offering plans to the […]